Abel Tasman National Park – Conservation
The Department of Conservation (DOC) is responsible for New Zealand’s National Parks. DOC should be your first port of call for all information and questions about accessing the National Park.
Tourism operators are given permission by DOC to operate in the Park, and pay a fee to DOC per visitor who uses their services. Visitors who camp overnight also pay a DOC fee. These fees go to the Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve Fund to pay for care and maintenance in the park. Other conservation groups operate in the area to protect the delicate environment. Project Janszoon has a wide variety of projects to eradicate weeds, control wasps, eradicate pests, prevent fires and restore native plants and wildlife to the Park. The Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust works on similar projects with the goal of restoring the glorious songs of native birds to the Park.
The offshore islands are particularly important for conservation. Some are ‘predator-free’ meaning all non-native mammalian predators have been eradicated. Some are protected areas without open public access. If you visit an island, make sure you are not carrying anything with you such as mice, insects or plant matter – check your gear before you go. There is no camping or fires allowed on the islands.